
Chapakhana was made possible by a faculty research grant from the Visiting Committee of the Division of the Humanities, University of Chicago. I am grateful to the members of the Visiting Committee and to Dean Martha Roth for their generosity and support. The Chapakhana website was designed and developed by the Research Computing Center at the University of Chicago. Thanks to everyone at RCC for making my first foray into the Digital Humanities an exciting and productive experience. I owe a special debt of gratitude to Jeffrey Tharsen, Siraj Sergio Elahi, and Carmen Caswell, who took care of all technical aspects of the project and provided advice, expertise, encouragement, and inspiration. Many thanks to my dedicated team of research assistants, Taimoor Shahid Khan, Andrew Halladay, and Elizabeth Lhost, who helped design the database and spent countless hours collecting data. I am grateful to the University of Chicago Library, the Church Missionary Society Archives (Universities of Oxford and Birmingham), and the individuals who gave permission for the reproduction of images on the website.

Ulrike Stark